Thursday, July 17, 2008


Alright I made it to lucky number 13! In this one are a few site updates, some stuff about the Watchmen trailer and a review of The Dark Knight.

Site updates

Over on the right side of the page is a few links for your convenience. Among these are the Intro and Directory which gives info about this blog and an easier way to navigate past blogs. Also if you have a Facebook account, add the Mike's Place For Words Facebook group. On that group, you can ask any sort of question that you would like me to answer on this blog.

I have a poll over on the last side as well. Recently in video game news I have read that my favorite band Led Zeppelin decided not to allow their music to be in a Guitar Hero or Rock Band game. So I'm asking my loyal readers what Led Zeppelin song you would like to play in a Guitar Hero game. I think I'm going to make these polls a monthly thing as long as enough people vote.

Watchmen trailer

This trailer was shown in the previews before The Dark Knight. I'm already excited since I love Watchmen. March 6th can't get here any faster. Here's what is shown in the trailer:

-Dr. Osterman's accident where he gains the power to control all matter and becomes Dr. Manhattan
-Nite Owl II's ship, Archie, rises from the lake
-Silk Spectre II jumps into a burning building
-Nite Owl II fighting in the jail
-Edward Blake (The Comedian) getting thrown out the window
-Ozymandias in front of some monitors
-Dr. Osterman's body teleporting
-Nite Owl II's ship flying away from a burning building
-Rorschach using an impromptu flamethrower
-Shot of Silk Spectre II walking (who's quite lovely by the way)
-Shot of multiple Dr. Manhattans
-Shot of Nite Owl II
-Edward Blake's funeral
-Shot of The Comedian
-Rioter throwing a Molotov cocktail into a building
-Dr. Manhattan reappearing
-Dr. Manhattan and Silk Spectre II kissing
-Edward Blake fighting off his attacker but hits the wall
-Rorschach interrogating Edgar Jacobi (Moloch)
-Adrian Veidt (Ozymandias) fighting off an assassin
-Nite Owl II screaming
-Dr. Manhattan vaporizing a guy in the Vietnam war
-Nite Owl's ship with The Comedian flying over a crowd
-Rorshach's mask (which is also changing)
-Dr. Manhattan's structure on Mars

The Dark Knight

I've had some car troubles lately and I've been working most of the weekend so I was originally going to see this on Monday, but luckily I was able to go Friday night. Of course, the theater was packed. All of my friends who saw this before me were raving about how great this movie was. They were right. This movie is one of the best movies to come out in a while and probably THE best superhero movie ever made.

The acting was perfect. Kudos to Christian Bale, Aaron Eckhart, Michael Caine, Gary Oldman, Morgan Freeman and even Maggie Gyllenhaal. Then there's Heath Ledger with an absolutely phenomenal job portraying The Joker. It's hard to believe that it was Heath Ledger. Everybody is saying that he should get the Oscar for this role and I completely agree.

The story is also well done. I have no problems with it. It is just really good.


Joker's "magic trick" was just awesome. Two-Face is the first thing in a while that actually makes me cringe when I look at it. Here's a picture.

***End of spoilers***

The only small negative I have about this movie is how Katie Holmes was replaced by Maggie Gyllenhaal. I just don't like when actors get replaced. Besides that, I gave this an "A" on my Yahoo ratings and five stars on the Movies app on Facebook. Go see this movie or something is wrong with you.

Look out for the next one. I turn 21 on July 22!


NightRiver said...

Great Review of the Bats, yo. I also Loved the movie, the only negative I would say is that it was a bit long. If they cut out a like 10 minutes it would be a bit better. But just a minor quip.

I also loved Joker's pencil trick. Theater laughed for a few minutes that I missed most of the dialogue afterwards, haha.

The watchmen trailer was great! That smashing pumpkins song was perfect fit.