Wednesday, August 13, 2008


Hello all. Here's number 17! With school and work taking up most of my time, as well as the temptation of my Xbox 360, I don't know if I'll have time to writing these as frequently. If I do post them, they'll be short. So here is a review of Strong Bad Episode I for the WiiWare and the new Star Wars: The Clone Wars movie.

Strong Bad Episode I

After two months of delays, Strong Bad's Cool Game For Attractive People: Episode I - Homestar Ruiner has finally been released for WiiWare! I've really been looking forward to this game and it's letting me give my Wii some attention. A couple of years ago, I was very into Homestar Runner's website. Nowadays, I seldom go there to check out some of Strong Bad's emails. By the way, Strong Bad rules.

This is a very fun point-and-click game and you'll get a chuckle here and there. It's only about a couple hours long to complete the main story. It would help if you knew the characters before you play since they don't really describe them or mention who they are. There has been a report of a freezing issue with this game. I was in extended play and it froze on me, so hopefully a patch will be released to fix this. Some of the extras are "Snake Boxer 5", an 8-bit game where you fight a snake, and "Teen Girl Squad" where you can determine the fates of the girls. Once you do beat the game, there is extended play, like I mentioned, where you can continue to explore and get achievement trophies. I enjoyed this, but if you aren't a fan of point-and-clicks or the Homestar Runner stuff, you may want to pass on this. It's exclusive to the Wii (so far) and costs 1000 Wii Points.

Star Wars: The Clone Wars review

I've heard of the Clone Wars cartoon, but have never seen it. However, this is the launch of a new CGI cartoon series coming soon.I went to see this since I'm a Star Wars fan. This movie is meant for kids, which I didn't know when I went to go see it. First, instead of the usual scrolling text in the beginning, you get a narration of what's happening. I guess the opening narration is a good thing, because I hate when parents have to read stuff to their kids. Most of the battle droids are pretty much comic relief. Anakin's padawan, Ahsoka Tano, is a young girl who's supposed to appeal to the younger audience.

The story is pretty mediocre. Anakin and Ahsoka have to rescue Jabba the Hutt's son. There isn't much story telling since it's mostly battle or fight sequences. The ending is quite anti-climatic. I can't really recommend this one. I liked art style, but it's way too kid oriented. I gave it a C+ on my Yahoo ratings.

Off to do other stuff like work and school. See you laters.