Friday, June 20, 2008


Coming up on this edition of "Mike's Place For Words" is a short review of The Incredible Hulk, a recap of the third year anniversary show of the Smart Wrestling Fan Wrestling Review Show, and a DVD review of ROH "Rising Above".

The Incredible Hulk review

I went and saw this Tuesday morning. From what I understand it's a reset of sorts, meaning that Ang Lee's The Hulk never happened, which is a good thing. I thought this movie was good, but it didn't blow me away as much as I wanted it to. If you like the super hero movies then see this one. Ed Norton is great and all of the special effects are fantastic. If you watch TNA, the pro wrestling promotion, doesn't the actor who becomes the Abomination look like Petey Williams? Lou Ferrigno has a cameo in this movie and it's quite funny, and if you miss the Stan Lee appearance, you're obviously blind. Hopefully these aren't spoilers, but I love how they're setting up future villains in the movies for the sequels, and the build-up for the Avengers movie is great.

Three years of Smart Wrestling Fan

If you haven't know, there's a wrestling podcast that I listen to called the Smart Wrestling Fan Wrestling Review Show. I've listened to more than a year and it's a great show. Shameless! This past Tuesday was the third anniversary show. The show went almost 6 hours and if you download it on iTunes, it's a whopping 157MB!

Anyway, one of the hosts, Wiggly, proposed to his girlfriend, Chiz a.k.a. Trap Door Charmed, on the show. It was so nice and I even started to get choked up a little. I've met them both at CHIKARA shows and they're perfect together. He's a great man and she's a sweetheart and they absolutely love each other.

I'm included in the album art done by Rational-Eyes. I'm right above Larry Sweeney and to the right of UltraMantis Black.

Also, I won a John Cena shirt as one of their giveaways. It's the 8-bit John Cena shirt. I'd put a picture, but the WWE site isn't letting me. I hate John Cena, but it's an awesome shirt.

ROH "Rising Above" DVD review

I watched this one today while searching the internets and such. I wasn't really paying attention much during Brent Albright vs. Delirious, but I think they should use the red-poison Delirious more often. I thought the tag scramble was good mostly because I love spotfests. Sara Del Rey vs. Lacey vs. Daizee Haze was a good ladies match. Erick Stevens vs. Davey Richards seemed short, but it was still good. Claudio Castagnoli and Chris Hero are great together and their match on this DVD was very good.

Bryan Danielson vs. Takeshi Morishima in a relaxed rules match is another good match on here. It really showed their hatred for one another and I hope one day that Danielson will be able to beat Morishima clean. People are saying that as long as Morishima is the GHC champion, Pro Wrestling NOAH won't allow Morishima to lose to Danielson.

The Briscoes vs. Roderick Strong and Rocky Romero was good. I was surprised that Strong and Romero took the first fall, since the Briscoes were put over as the masters of the 2 out of 3 falls match. The third fall seemed a bit anticlimactic though.

Finally, the main event between Nigel McGuinness and Austin Aries, given 4 and 3/4 stars by the Wrestling Observer Newsletter, was fantastic. Nigel got cut right above his eye on the metal guardrail and it looked pretty deep. Definitely pick up the DVD for this match. Also for this DVD, "Raining Blood" by Slayer played throughout, so I was rocking out most of the time.

I'm off Sunday, Monday and Tuesday night week, so more than likely expect 1 or 2 DVD reviews and maybe a Virtual Console game or WiiWare game review in the next "Mike's Place For Words".